Undertaking this module will be mandatory (effective current academic year). itservice-datenschutz customised to suit the requirements of a particular College, School, Service or Function is also available by contacting the DP&FOI Office. The University will maintain a general “right of access” by an individual to their own personal data held by the University and must maintain a detailed record of processing activities in accordance with the regulatory environment. Central Bedfordshire Council is registered (Z169787X) with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) as a Data Controller.

Our consultants’ people-focused approach makes Digital Trust an accessible and achievable objective across your organisation. And as long as they are responsible for storing or processing the data of EU citizens, cloud providers should be mindful that they are adhering to GDPR. Unlike on-site data management that scales in cost as its scope increases, cloud computing comes at a contained cost that makes sense for many enterprises. Similarly, cloud hosting has become popular with services like Cloudflare in the US, and it works without a dedicated physical address and instead with a distributed network of hundreds of computers. From now on, everything you do in your organization must, “by design and by default,” consider data protection.

If this processing were stated as being on the basis of consent, this would imply that it was possible to have your child at one of our schools without us being allowed to process their personal data. This support guide will explain the difference between ‘consenting to processing of personal data’ and ‘consenting to service delivery’. The European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) may permanently alter the way data is stored in the cloud. Just within the last year, (May 2021) the European Data Protection Board (EDPB) approved the EU Cloud Code of Conduct with subsequent final approval by the Belgian Data Protection Authority. The EU Cloud COC applies to all types of cloud service providers – IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS – and lays out a set of compliance requirements that “enable CSPs to demonstrate their capability to comply with GDPR.” Organizational measures are things like staff trainings, adding a data privacy policy to your employee handbook, or limiting access to personal data to only those employees in your organization who need it.

The service, based in Germany, helps reduce your risk of a data breach and its encryption qualifies as a “technical and organizational measure” required under GDPR Article 32. You need a ‘lawful basis’, chosen from a list, which reflects the reasons you think it’s within the law for you to be doing what you’re doing. If you’re supplying goods or services to larger organisations, procurement contracts can insist on suppliers having data protection policies in place, which could give you a competitive edge.

We Match Council Tax Data With Electoral Registration Records

Our DPO services also offer you the opportunity to include specialist cyber security support such as outsourced security management, penetration testing, Cyber Essentials certification & ISO readiness. Head of Data Protection practice, Ray Orife, discusses the most common question clients ask, what the AI landscape looks like for data protection and what makes Evalian’s data protection services unique. Ensure holistic protection of your organisation’s sensitive data with our Data Privacy Managed Services. Our team delivers tailored strategies and ongoing support, ensuring compliance and peace of mind. Experience seamless adoption of OneTrust with our expert implementation services.

Compliance Support

You can also check any privacy notices we have provided or contact the service you have used. The second is the protection of personal data in general, and by extension the data held on IT systems. The first is the accessibility of personal data to those interested in knowing what has been said and written about them. If you are collecting personal data, “How should I protect this?” is actually your third question. The group ensures individual patients receive the most appropriate care for their needs whilst protecting the capability of member services to respond to others within the community by managing demand on services.

The personal information we collect varies according to the services people receive. The council will only share your information where it is required to do so, such as, where services are delivered jointly with other organisations. We will tell you who these other organisations are when we gather your information.

If you are logged in to your social media account, it is possible that the respective social media network can link your visit to our websites with your social media profile. If you have chosen to identify yourself to us, we may place on your browser a cookie that allows us to uniquely identify you when you are logged into the websites and to process your online transactions and requests. If you believe that we have not been able to assist with your complaint or concern, and you are located in the EEA or the UK, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the competent supervisory authority. Some of your information will also be shared with NHS Digital to improve NHS 111 and 999 services; the information received through their intelligence data tool consists of outcome data which is not identifiable.

What this means is we could only send information to a country if it meets very strict standards or your consent to this transfer is provided. Some departments provide discretionary services and invite you to sign up for mailing lists in order to be kept informed of their services, special offers or activities which may interest you. This personal data is collected only where you provide your consent that you wish to be kept informed. Personal information is collected and used when we provide social care services or administer council tax, housing benefit, grants and other important services to the public.

Data Protection Services

The law gives you a number of rights to control what personal information is used by us and how it is used by us. We will only collect and use personal information if we need it to deliver a service or meet a specific requirement. If you want to see more information about the why our services collect data about you please refer to our service privacy notices. It’s often information you would not want widely known and is very personal to you.